Entertaining, clever, funny, and emotionally moving...
Chappie is a clever, entertaining, and surprisingly sentimental movie. Its a story of a robot named chappie who is being raised by gangsters. Storyline is superb. Dialogues are awesome too. The director of Elysium and district 9 does not disappoint. He brilliantly directed this movie.
The movie introduces pretty cool concepts which are literally awesome if applied in the real world. The VFX are phenomenal. Dev Patel is well casted, he gave full justice to his role as Deon, an inventor. Hugh Jackman as a villain is pretty hilarious and did a great job as always. Everything in the movie seems 100% realistic and that's the thing which lifts this movie higher.
Although the movie is awesome but it also have some drawbacks as the storyline is convincing but could have been better. The concepts introduced in this movie are phenomenal and could have been used well in the movie.
As a conclusion I personally loved this movie owing to its direction, realistic locations and its concept. You will leave this movie feeling like you have become friends with chappie, its a robot but you will definitely fall in love with its innocence and its child-like behavior.
I'll give this movie 7/10. If you liked neill blomkamp's previous films, you will definitely love this movie. Meanwhile I totally look forward to its sequel.
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